The Microsoft Journal for Developers

The sole print/digital vehicle within the Microsoft portfolio, MSDN Magazine is the flagship publication for .NET developers engaged with the Microsoft developer stack. MSDN Magazine is committed to providing actionable, hands-on guidance and tutorials that show developers and managers how to overcome challenges, master new tools and create high-quality software solutions for Microsoft platforms and systems.

Since its founding as Microsoft Systems Journal in 1986, MSDN Magazine has stood apart as the most respected source of programming expertise and insight in the Microsoft developer space.

Editorial Mission

MSDN Magazine provides advertisers with an audience and community of .NET developers who are looking for solutions to challenges and opportunities to code better, faster and smarter with the Microsoft ecosystem.
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MSDN Magazine Platforms

1105 Media's Enterprise Computing Group Is Now Converge360

Audience Profile

After viewing ads in MSDN Magazine, 83% of readers seek more information
71% of readers view advertisers’ Web sites


MSDN Magazine Advertising

Showcase your brand and products in a format developers rely on for in-depth technical information, practical solutions and discussions of industry challenges.

Magazine Inserts & Outserts

Deliver your marketing message in an insert or outsert in MSDN Magazine, ensuring delivery directly to developers.

Custom Magazine Print Projects

Catch the attention of subscribers with a custom and unique advertisement within MSDN Magazine.


MSDN FLASH eNewsletter

The Microsoft MSDN Flash eNewsletter provides up-to-the-minute, comprehensive coverage of Microsoft technologies for developers and managers building applications. These high-reach, low-frequency eNewsletters deliver critical news and information on the latest resources, downloads, partner offers, events and more.

Banner Advertising

Use banner ads on the MSDN publication website to build awareness and engage the Microsoft developer community online.